Cognitive psychology and mental processes: Metacognition
September 8, 2015
In a short term, metacognition can be addressed as “cognition about cognition” or “knowing about knowing”. Briefly, metacognition is the higher order thinking and analysis that can enable the analysis, understand and control of one’s cognitive process. This study includes items like:
- The level of understanding of the capabilities of a person on particular mental related tasks.
- The efficiency of a person’s monitoring of their performance regarding a given task.
- The ability of the applications of cognitive strategies.
There are some common phenomena which are widely related to metacognition like:
- Crytomnesia: It is actually one kind of unconscious plagiarism. It involves the process of generating the thought about a particular thing that this one is unique. But actually it is a memory of some experience which has already passed.
- Déjà Vu: It is kind of feeling of some repeated experiences.
- Validity Effect: The increase in distinguished validity when any statement is repeated consecutively.
- False Fame Effect: The strategy by which any non-popular names can be turned into famous.
- Imagination Inflation: Increasing confidence by the imagination of an event not being occurred which did occur actually.