Userhub Brand Identity
People, Knowledge, Innovation
Our logo embodies our principles: People, Knowledge, Innovation. We believe in adding value to the lives of people by applying knowledge as a force for human development; and innovative thinking to find design based solutions to complex problems.
The outline of human symbolizes people and our human-centered thinking. The top circle represents the flow of knowledge. The bottom circle signifies continuous innovation which is gradually widening its reach to include more people everyday.
Circles have no end or beginning representing infinite possibilities for innovation.
Orange colour is associated with enthusiasm and warmth. Orange in our logo portrays our organization as we are; friendly, cheerful and confident. We have used two different shades of orange – a deeper orange that represents the energetic and playful spirit we always have, and a lighter orange that relates to joy and celebration.
We have used a strong bold Sans Serif font. The clean lines in the font implies our credibility and professionalism towards our work. All capital font represents our strength as a team.
The logo has been designed using the golden ratio to create an aesthetically pleasing design. Following the golden ratio helps to draw attention to the important elements of the logo.
The logo overall reflects the organization’s commitment to knowledge and human-centered design.
[This logo is the sole property of Userhub. Userhub reserves the right to take action (legal) against any unfair use or misuse of the logo.]